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The colours are more than an optical phenomenon or a technical vehicle for artistic expression.There is no colour without meaning and its effect is correlated with the given context. The colour of the clothes is unlikely highlighted against the different colours of a wall, a house, an aliment or a piece of art. The context determines if a colour is fitting and pleasing, or false and tasteless. The same colour, encountered in various circumstances – arts, interior design, fashion, home decorations, etc. – can stir positive and/or negative feelings. For instance, the same red can be erotic or violent, inconvenient or noble; the same yellow can be radiant or can hurt, etc.
In a certain acceptance, the colours dominate the entire nature, and often people equate colours with life itself. Surprising correlations are set up between our psychic moods and the colours surrounding us. The psychological effects of the colours have been ascertained by many scientific studies. The influence of colours goes beyond the visual perception, at vibrations’ level. Experiments performed with blindfolded persons exposed at light of different colours certified significant variations of the pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure, according with the implicated colour. This experiment proves the alteration of electromagnetic oscillations induced by the chromatic environment. It is remarkable that, for each given colour, the physiological variations were similar for every person tested. For example, the blue chromatic field generated for all subjects a decrease of the pulse and a state of drowsiness, while yellow accelerated the heart rate; tendency that was even more emphasised by the red colour.
Kindred colours are associated with kindred feelings or impressions. For instance, orange – in its different hues – can be similar with red or yellow. Any of these three colours may be associated with happiness and animation, as well as with activity or energy – all states very much alike.
No colour appears unaccompanied. A chromatic combination shouldn’t be a random mixture of colours because the other colours present in the combination modulate the ultimate effect of the dominant colour. For example, red combined with yellow and orange has a different effect than the same red combined with black or violet. When we intend a specific effect, it is better to combine colours that have synergetic influences in the desired direction.
The human being needs the whole spectrum of colour shades offered by nature in order to attain the state of psychic equilibrium. Colours can be used for balancing our being and our life, for preserving an uplifting state of happiness, for awakening our potentialities, as well as for accelerating our spiritual evolution. Their qualities and influences can be induced through clothing, gemstones, coloured glass, illumination, indoor and outdoor flower arrangements, etc.


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