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200h Intensive Integral Yoga Teacher , and Dao Yin Workshop, in Portugal

6th of May to 26th of May of 2024

Deepen your knowledge of yoga and enhance your personal development with Sundari Integral Yoga Teacher Training, near Lisbon (40km),  500m from a picturesque lagoon  opening out to a beautiful beach, facing the Atlantic Ocean. The retreat house is situated near an pristine pine forest, with deserted footpath and tranquil country side. Here, the openness of the landscape allows you daily meditations with stunning sunsets.  The surroundings  are blessed with  light, tranquillity and natural beauty.

Whilst you will transform your life and fulfilling your dream of becoming a Yoga Teacher, in your free time you may enjoy walks on trills through the serenity of the pine forest, toward the blue of the ocean. As an alternative, you may simply enjoy the beach and deep into lagoon or play with the waves of the ocean.

Immediately upon graduation, you are eligible to register with the most trusted and recognized yoga teaching organization in the world – Yoga Alliance Organisation!


  • International valid certificate, recognised by Yoga Alliance, RYT200
  • Comprehensive illustrated Yoga Teacher Manual, with more than 550 pages
  • Theoretical and practical teaching methodologies for 88 yoga techniques (asana, pranayama, yoga nidra, meditation, etc.)
  • Excellent quality of teaching and one of the most competitive prices in Europe
  • Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian healthy food
  • According to Gurukula tradition (living with the master), the accommodation is offered by the Sundari School, in twin bed rooms, with private bathroom.
  • Tai Chi – Dao Yin 3 hours workshop
  • Small groups personalised training (max 10 students)

Language and group

21 days with instruction in English/Portuguese
Spoken languages: Portuguese, English, French
The maximum participants in the group is 10
Exist also the possibility of one to one personalised training

Yoga Styles: Karma; Bhakti; Jnana; Raja; Hatha; Kundalini;Kriya; Integral; Nidra; Karma; Bhakti; Raja; Jnana
Skill level: Beginner; Intermediate; Advanced


Students who complete their subsequent training are immediately eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT-200). Registration with Yoga Alliance provides an international recognized credential.

The certificate confirms that he or she has sufficient knowledge and practical skills for teaching Integral Yoga to future yoga practitioners, for beginner and intermediate level groups.


This yoga teacher training teaches the basic theoretical and practical foundations that are useful for becoming a professional Integral Yoga Teacher. The greatest value of this training is the fact that it integrates various types of yoga, which gives to the future Integral yoga professor, after the graduation, the ability to teach techniques from various types of traditional forms of yoga (Hatha, Jnana, Kundalini, Kriya, Karma, Bhakti, Mantra yoga, and more). The course is completed after a final four-hour written exam.


Yoga practical sessions

The practical sessions include the correct execution and the theoretical learning about the benefits and the effects of 88 yoga basic techniques:

  • 50 asanas (postures of Hatha yoga)
  • 5 techniques of concentration
  • 11 meditation techniques
  • 4 relaxation techniques, including techniques of yoga Nidra (conscious sleep)
  • 12 techniques of pranayama (yoga breathing)
  • 6 Kriya yoga techniques (body purification)

Yoga theoretical sessions

  • Human anatomy and physiology applied to yoga practice
  • The subtle structure of the human being: nadis (energy channels), chakras (energy centers), pancha kosha (the five layers of the human brain), the man and the three levels of manifestation (physical, astral, and causal), Kundalini energy, Jivatma (the soul), and Atma (eternal self)
  • The philosophy of Integral yoga system: Yama and Nyama (the ethics and moral codes); description of various types of yoga (Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Raja yoga); the three fundamental principles in yoga practice; dharma explanation; basics about karma and reincarnation; the description of the three gunas (the three main qualities of nature); the human mind (mental types, the causes of the fluctuations of the mind, the consciousness and the supra-consciousness)
  • A synthetic review of five essential yoga treatises: Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and Shiva Samhita
  • The inspiring life of four masters of yoga: Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Shivananda, and Ananda Moyi Ma
  • Children yoga practice approach
  • Pregnant woman yoga practice approach
  • Seniors yoga practice approach
  • Healthy lifestyle notions
  • Ethics of the yoga teacher profession
  • Marketing strategies
  • How to manage your own yoga classes
  • Yoga and the community, etc.

Yoga teaching methodology : theoretical and practical

Include concepts of the learning process, learning styles, and how to teach the techniques of Integral yoga. During these sessions, you will learn how to give a professional assistance to your future students for a correct realization of the Integral yoga techniques. The professors will also explain how to create a plan of an Integral yoga class (singular or a set of lessons), the sequence of the teaching of Integral yoga techniques and theoretical notions, the personal qualities that a yoga teacher should develop, how to create a harmonious and correct teacher-student yogic relationship.

All the teaching of the course is synthesised in a complete illustrated Integral Yoga Teacher Manual of approximately 550 pages, which contains all the necessary theoretical and practical information for becoming a good Integral Yoga teacher!
The manual is available in Portuguese and English.


The assessment and evaluation of the students is continuous throughout the program.

  • Presence is compulsory, the students will perform a constant practice of the techniques and interesting homework will be indicated for individual study.
  • The course is completed after a final four-hour written test.
  • Optionally, in the last week of the program,  each student will have the opportunity to give their own 90 minutes yoga class to the group.
  • The final evaluation will take four elements in consideration: the participation during the classes (1), an inclusive and positive attitude that shows respect for the traditional yoga philosophy and practice (2), the rigorousness of the individual study (3), and the final written teste (4).
  • All the above learning processes and evaluation will be facilitated by teachers throughout the all the course, respecting the level and the pace of each student, envisaging to adapt it to the group dynamic.

Typical daily schedule

08:30 Yoga practice- asanas and pranayama

11:00 Basics of practice/theory modules

14:00 Lunch

15:00 Individual study

19:30 Dinner

20:30 Basics of concentration/meditation

22:00 Noble Silence – Mauna/Good night

The schedule may suffer alterations, depending on the specific circumstances at the time of the program.


See our team in https://www.sundari-center.com/about/

Teachers  for this TTC are: Carmen  Mitroi, Eugen Manole & Andrei Mitroi


  • Minimum 18 years old. There is no upper age limit.
  • It can be subscribed by people who have never practised yoga. However, the practice of yoga involves a high level of self-discipline and interior purity.
  • Does not require any certification of previous courses.
  • For the entire duration of the course there are prohibited: the consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea and indecent behaviours. Coffee or black tea may be substituted, if need it, with decaf coffee, barley coffee drink or plants tea infusions.
  • The meals are ovo-lacto-vegetarian for all the period of the course.
  • This TTC is designed according with the Gurukula tradition. In this tradition, the students are living together with their yoga masters/teachers, forming a harmonious small sangha community, where yoga practice is shared together. This includes also Karma Yoga, the Yoga of  Detached Action. Part of the Karma Yoga program is related to Tapas and Saucha (discipline and purity), so the students  have to keep their rooms and their common spaces clean. This are simple common sense activities, that, when well shared and organised, may take between 20 to 30 minutes /day.
  • To participate in the practical classes, students need a comfortable tracksuit, natural fibber socks, a beach towel and slippers for the interior of the house

Retreat location

Sesimbra, Setubal –  near Lisbon (40km)




3 Ovo-lacto-vegetarian meals per day : breakfast, lunch and dinner

What’s included

  • The practical and theoretical sessions (see Program)
  • Certificate of completion, internationally recognized by Yoga Alliance, for RYT200
  • 550-page illustrated exhaustive Integral Yoga Teacher Manual
  • Comprehensive course training and guidance
  • 20 nights staying
  • Dao Yin 3 hours workshop
  • Continued email support from Sundari Center and its community (after the graduation)

What’s not included

  • Flights
  • Transport from and to the airport

Price per person

  •  1980 € per person – includes the course, the Yoga Alliance recognised certification, the manual,  the staying in double room with private bathroom and 3 meals/day)
  • A reservation requires a deposit of 35% of the total price

Cancellation Policy

  • The deposit is fully refundable if the booking is cancelled up to 10 days before the arrival date
  • The rest of the payment should be paid on arrival

How to get there

Recommended Airports:  Lisbon Airport (LIS)

Distance from the airport to the retreat house:  43 km

Transfer not provided

Please book your flight to arrive at Lisbon Airport (LIS).

Upon arriving on the welcoming airport (code: LIS) you can reach your destination by train or by Uber (the costs with Uber  are between 35 and 45 EUR) . We will provide via WhatsApp a shared location upon the beginning of your travel.


See below more photos of our courses

TTC – Costa da Caparica, 2018 

Yoga &Tai Chi Retreat– Santa Maria da Feira, 2017

Yoga TTC – Madeira, 2015-2016

Preparation for the final Yoga exam – TTC Madeira, july 2016

Final Yoga exam – TTC Madeira, 2016 

The TTC I attended at the Sundari Yoga School was, above all, an evolutionary leap in my spiritual path. Homework help increase my perseverance in daily spiritual practice. I consider the course manual a “bible”, very complete and useful. It was a beautiful and enriching experience, Sofia.


Excellent course that produced transformations in my life and in my being. It has provided me with tools that I have used to help other people to make their “way” and transform their lives, Idalina.

See here more comments of our courses

Contacts: 00351 965 239 432/00351 964 379 491 , sundari.edu@gmail.com