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Designed to improve the quality of our lives, the 9 monthly modules combine techniques and procedures from traditional arts, such Yoga, Qigong, Phytotherapy (plant therapy), Do In, with techniques inspired from various modern domains, such as Psychology Mindfulness, Posturology, Nutrition, etc.

To facilitate the choice according to individual needs, each class and each module are designed as autonomous, but If you wish a holistic personal development, we recommend modular participation in the various themes described below.

The procedures we will learn and practice are easy to do and adapted to the characteristics of each participant in part, with effective applicability in everyday life of anyone.

We notify that the classes emphasize especially the practice and not only the transmission of information, so you need, in addition to a notebook and pencil, a light tracksuit, a yoga mat or a beach towel, comfortable socks and, most importantly, curiosity and enthusiasm in learning and practicing ?

The modules run on every Thursday, from 19.30 to 21.30,in Funchal,  at the Pestana Palms Hotel – Lido. The participation can be monthly (by module/modules), or punctual (by class). People enrolled in our Yoga courses have free access.

Participation is open to anyone who wishes to enrich his knowledge and improve his wellness !

Brief description and schedule

  1. Posture, posture, posture! 8-29. 11. 2018 (November 2018)

– What it means to have a correct body posture, the impact on health and wellbeing

– Techniques to correct, improve and maintain the correct posture and flexibility of the body     

  1. Good-bye, cold and flu! 6 – 27. 12th 2018 (December 2018)

-Techniques that strengthen the immune system, helping in resilience to seasonal pathogenic agents

-Advices and tips to avoid the problems generated between seasons change

  1. The view, priceless treasure of our life! 10-31. 01.2019 (January 2019)

-Techniques to strengthen and maintain healthy eyes and sight

-Advices on hygiene, food, and  plants for eye care

  1. The wonder of relaxation! 7 – 28. 02.2019 (February 2019)

-Procedures to relax and become naturally calm

-Advices and tips to resist stress, eliminate insomnia and improve sleep

  1. Brain in shape! 7-28. 03.2019 (March 2019)

-Techniques to strengthen mental control, memory, concentration, mental tranquility

-Tips on nutrition and daily habits that keep the health of the brain

  1. Inhale, exhale… The beautiful symphony of the body! 4 – 25. 04. 2019 (April 2019)

-Breathing techniques to improve and maintain the proper functioning of the respirator apparatus

-Information on the benefits of better blood oxygenation, tips on allergy control, hygiene of the respirator system,

-Miraculous food, healthy habits, and plants that help to eliminate excess mucus

  1. Detox, vitality and strengthened body! 9 – 30.05.2019 (May 2019)

-Techniques to maintain healthy digestion, eliminate fat unnecessary, strengthen muscle mass and increase the personal will power

-Hygiene of the digestive tract, feeding and plants that increase vitality

  1. Fortify and protect the purity of your energy! 6 – June 27 (June 2019)

-Program for the control and the purification of the negative personal tendencies

-Techniques and tips for energy protection: individual, home, and the region where you live

  1. Joy and happiness: external gifts or personal achievements? 4-25 July (July 2019)

-Techniques to overcome sadness, anguish, anxiety, etc.

-Advices and tips on the essentials of a happy life

More information and registration: 00 351 965 239 432; 00 351 964 379 491; contact@sundari-center.com

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