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The Teacher Training Course (TTC) of Integral Yoga is suitable for any person who wants to enhance personal development, gain and maintain health and harmony, and who is looking also to help and to teach other people. The TTC can be attended by people who practice yoga and, also, by the ones that never participated in a yoga class.

This TTC is accredited by Yoga Alliance, the world’s largest organization of professionals of Yoga (www.yogaalliance.org), it has a duration of 200 hours and teaches the basic foundations, theoretical and practical, that are necessary for becoming a professional Integral Yoga teacher. We present you a variety of knowledge about the different theoretical fields and the specific waysof acting that characterize the Integral Yoga practice. The specificity of this Integral Yoga TTC is the fact that integrates various types of Yoga, targeting for the future professor to be able, after the graduation, to teach techniques from various types of traditional forms of yoga, as Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Mantra Yoga, etc. The intensive schedule of the course aims to develop the physical and mental capacities of the participants, so that, after a month of intense practice and learning, to be able to transmit and teach the techniques of Integral Yoga to their future students. Practicing and learning, the participants will acquire, through direct experience, a deep understanding in this area.

After completing the course successfully, the future yoga teacher receives an internationally recognized certificate, which confirms that he/she have sufficient experience, knowledge and practical skills for teaching Integral Yoga (poses, breathing techniques and relaxation, meditation) to future practitioners of yoga, for beginners and intermediate level groups.

The curriculum is structured in three main session parts.

a) The practical sessions, which includes the correct execution and the theoretical learning about the benefits and the effects of 88 yoga basic techniques:
– 50 asanas (postures of hatha yoga);
– 5 techniques of concentration;
-11 meditation techniques;
– 4 relaxation techniques, including techniques of yoga Nidra (conscious sleep);
-12 techniques of pranayama (yoga breathing);
-6 Kriya yoga techniques (body purification)

b) The theoretical sessions, that cover the study of:
-Human Anatomy and Physiology applied to Yoga practice;
-The energetical structure of the human being – Nadis (energy channels), Chakras (energy centers), Pancha Kosha (the five layers of the brain of the human being), the man and the three planes of manifestation (physical, astral, and causal), Kundalini energy, Jivatma (the soul), Atma (eternal).
-The philosophy of Integral Yoga System-Yama and Nyama (the ethics and moral codes), description of various types of yoga (Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga); the three fundamental principles in yoga practice, what is dharma, basics about karma and reincarnation, the description of the three gunas (qualities of nature),the human mind (mental types, the causes of the fluctuations of the mind, the consciousness and the supra consciousness)
-A synthetic review of 5 essential yoga treatises: Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita
-The inspiring life of four masters of yoga: Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Shivananda and Ananda Moyi Ma.
-The approach of the practice of yoga for children
-The approach of the practice of yoga for pregnant women
-The approach of yoga practice for advanced age
-Notions about healthy lifestyle, about the ethics of the yoga teacher profession, marketing, about how to manage your own yoga classes, about yoga and the community, etc.

c) The teaching methodology sessions – theoretical and practical.
Includes concepts of the learning process, of the learning styles, of how to teach the techniques of Integral Yoga. In this section we will teach you how to give a professional assistance to your future students for a correct realization of the integral yoga body techniques. We will also explain how to create a plan of an Integral Yoga class (singular or a set of lessons); what is the sequence of the teaching of Integral Yoga techniques and theoretical notions, what are the qualities of a yoga teacher; how to create a harmonious and correct teacher-student relationship in the context of Integral Yoga, etc.

Students receive a complete manual of approximately 450 pages, illustrated, which contains all the necessary theoretical and practical information for becoming a good integral yoga teacher!

The manual is available in Portuguese and English. *

The evaluation is continuous throughout the course where the students should perform a constant practice of the techniques and an individual study by realizing some interesting homework.
The course is completed after a final 4 hours written exam.
The final evaluation will be a media between the note of individual study, participation in the classes and the final exam. The minimum value for the successful completion of the course is 12 values from maximum of 20.

The language of instruction: Portuguese and/or English

Teachers: see our team in https://www.sundari-center.com/about/

The Schedule
The 200-hour Integral Yoga TTC is having two options:

  1. Intensive, in an organized retreat of 30 days, respecting the gurukula tradition, which implies learning yoga while living in the same place (kula) with the master (guru).
  2. After-hours, for one academic year, from October / November to June / July of the following year. The after-hours program has the following distribution: one day per week 3 hour lesson (7:00 p.m. to 10 p.m.) and one weekend per month with intensive classes (Friday – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday – 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.). The days of the weekly classes and the exact dates of the weekends are announced one month before the beginning of the course.

The program may suffer modifications subject to time and space.

– Minimum 17 years old. There is no upper age limit.
– It can be subscribed by people who have never practiced yoga. However, the practice of yoga involves a high level of self-discipline and interior purity.
-Does not require any certification of previous courses.
-For the entire duration of the course there are prohibited: the consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea and indecent attitudes.
-Food is ovo-lacto-vegetarian for all the period of the course.
-To participate in the practical classes, students need a comfortable tracksuit, natural fiber socks, a yoga mat, a beach towel and a support for meditation (optional)

Prices are varying according to the TTC options (intensive or academic year) and the location where the course is organized. For more information consult our events section, to https://www.sundari-center.com/events/

a) Cancellations until the deadline registration – full refund
b) Cancellations after the deadline registration to 15 days before the TTC commencement – refund of 50% from the total amount
c) Cancellations after 15 days before the TTC commencement – NO refund available

Future Integral Yoga Teacher Training Courses

3-23 of February 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

2-22 of March 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

4-24 of May 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

6-26 of July 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

10-20 of August 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

5-25 of October 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

2- 22 of November 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

1-20 of December 2020 – Madeira Intensive Yoga Teachers Training Course, 21 days, Funchal

Contacts: 965 239 432/964 379 491

For more information see https://www.sundari-center.com/events/


  • Sofia Posted March 15, 2017 5:38 pm

    The TTC I attended at the Sundari Yoga School was, above all, an evolutionary leap in my spiritual path. Homework help increase my perseverance in daily spiritual practice. I consider the course manual a “bible”, very complete and useful. It was a beautiful and enriching experience.

  • Carmo Posted March 15, 2017 5:39 pm

    Of all the courses and trainings I’ve done in my life, this is the only one that I can use everything I’ve learned here at anytime, anywhere and in any situation.

  • Idalina Posted March 15, 2017 5:39 pm

    Excellent course that produced transformations in my life and in my being. It has provided me with tools that I have used to help other people to make their “way” and transform their lives.

  • Fátima Posted March 15, 2017 5:40 pm

    The course was very good and very well organized. The manual is very elaborate with very deep and understandable knowledge.

  • Marie-Claire Posted March 15, 2017 5:40 pm

    When I took the TTC, during the academic year 2015-16, I practiced yoga for 5 years. At a programmatic level, the course was very well designed, complete and comprehensive, allowing me to deepen my knowledge and practice, becoming aware of aspects which had not yet realized untill then.

  • Ana Maria Posted March 15, 2017 5:41 pm

    To remain in the silence and in the love of the much that we had assimilated and learned is the greatest wealth that will persist forever. Gratitude, simply gratitude.

  • Helena Posted March 15, 2017 5:41 pm

    For me the TTC was very positive and beneficial, both at personal and social level. I feel like I am a different person that is growing day by day. I feel freer and happier. I feel that I am a better person for myself and for others. I met great people who have helped me grow. I am happier and feel that I can also make the people around me happier. I am very grateful!

  • Albertina Posted March 15, 2017 5:41 pm

    The TTC made me be more careful with the execution of each asana, led me to study the philosophy of the great Yogis, took me to a deeper spirituality.

  • Fernão Posted March 15, 2017 5:42 pm

    For me TTC was valuable and enriching. Although, I still not feel prepared to teach, because I feel I should practice more and deepen even more what was taught. However, it is an important tool that I will use one day when I will feel more comfortable.

  • Teresa Posted March 15, 2017 5:42 pm

    The TTC was an excellent opportunity for personal development and to review and practice the techniques already learned. The course manual is very well designed, caring and accessible, being a precious tool to consult when I practice and have doubts or when preparing the classes. Homework, the summaries of the practices, helped me to better realize the effects of the exercises and the importance of having a continuous record – a spiritual diary.

  • Raquel Posted March 15, 2017 5:46 pm

    Taking the Yoga Teachers Training Course was a very positive experience for me, in which I was able to deepen my knowledge. It was even better to do so with Master Carmen Mitroi, my Yoga Classes teacher, a fascinating woman who transmitted, in an authentic way, the teachings of this ancient ancestral philosophy that is Yoga. Now that I have begun this journey, it is my duty to teach with true responsibility and with all my heart. To my great master, thank you for your dedication.

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