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Silent Hridaya Meditation Retreat, near Lisbon, Portugal, 13th to 18th of December, 2023

Description of the program

It is a healthy week program, with regular sleep hours,  ovo-lacto vegetarian meals, daily nature walk meditations in the magnificent surroundings of the retreat house, that is aiming to calm down the mind and increase your meditative abilities.

Meditation is a very useful skill for our daily routine. It helps us to cope with the stress of any activity and to bring beauty and self-awareness into our life.

Situated in a very quiet environment, near the ocean, between a lagoon and a forest pine, the silent meditation retreat aims to deepen the practice of concentration and meditation, bringing peace and control of the mind.

The complex stages of the asanas, acquired when you learn how to pleasantly hold asanas for longer periods, are bringing the needed energy flow that holistically harmonises your body.

The daily noble silence, and the “digital fasting” that will be practised during the retreat with a constant inner observation, are aiming to bring calmness and self – knowledge.

The month of December is always concluding an end of a cycle. After a year of activities and before the festivities for the New Year Eve, we are inviting you to take a break to restore and increase the energy of your body, to calm down the mind and to enhance your meditative abilities.

30 hours YACEP certificate

Daily Schedule
7:00 Good morning
7:20 Prasada
7:30 Morning meditation – Hridaya
8:00 Morning practice- holding asanas for longer period
9:30 Breakfast & morning break
11:00 – 13:00 Hridaya Meditation
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Karma Yoga
14:30 Resting time
17:00 Hridaya Meditation /Nature walk meditation(when weather allows)*
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Lecture/Questions and answers
21:00 – 21:30 Night meditation – Hridaya
22:00 Good night

In order to maintain the stillness and the harmony of the mind, for all the period of  the retreat there are not allowed drugs, alcohol and smoking.  Coffee may be substituted, if need it, with decaf coffee or barley coffee drink.

Check in – 13th of December, at 14:00

Check out – 18th of December, at 14:00

Price : 475 € 

What is included

3 meals per day:  ovo-lacto vegetarian

The yoga program – as above

Yoga mats

Utilities consumption

*According to gurukala tradition (living with the master), the 5 nights accommodation is offered by the Sundari School, in twin bed rooms, with private bathroom.

What is not included

Airport transfer


The retreat house is situated  500m from a picturesque lagoon opening out to a beautiful beach, facing the Atlantic Ocean, and near a pristine pine forest, with deserted footpaths and tranquil countryside. Here, the openness of the landscape allows you daily meditations with stunning sunsets. The surroundings are blessed with light, tranquility, and natural beauty.

You can see a small video with the surroundings here:


How to get there

Recommended Airports

Arrival by airplane

Upon arrival at Lisbon airport (code: LIS) you can reach your destination by Uber/Bolt (the costs with Uber are between 35 and 45 EUR). Sundari Integral Yoga School will provide via WhatsApp a shared location upon the beginning of your travel.

Alternatively, you may experiment by train to the Fogueteiro train station and then by bus/Uber/Bolt to the destination.


00351 964 379 491, sundari.edu@gmail.com